The digitalization of work processes is one of the most important topics for almost every company. We support companies in introducing digital services, i.e. from selecting the service through to negotiating the associated contracts with service providers.

Due to the new requirements of the AI regulation (AI Act), companies that want to integrate AI systems into their business processes will also have to comply with the regulatory requirements. We support our clients in introducing such AI systems and in creating internal company AI guidelines.

We also advise our clients on the creation and negotiation of classic IT contracts and on the implementation of complex IT projects. A focus of our work is also advising our clients on disputes, for example if an IT project fails.

  • Drafting of IT contracts
  • Advice and negotiation of IT contracts
  • Software license agreements
  • Software development agreements
  • Contracts for the adaptation of software (customization)
  • Software as a Service contracts (SaaS)
  • Software maintenance contracts (including service level agreements, SLA)
  • Consulting contracts
  • Support in the use of open source software
  • Cloud computing
  • Software distribution agreements
  • Research and development contracts
  • Creation of general terms and conditions
  • Support in disputes over a failed IT project
  • Introduction of AI guidelines in the company

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