How to Fight Counterfeits and Copycats at Trade Fairs - Dr. Sascha Abrar at INTA 2025 in San Diego
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- Written by: Oliver Löffel
Specially organized, trained and equipped lawyers using unconventional techniques and methods are needed to effectively combat counterfeits, look-alikes and copycats at international trade shows.
This is not usually found in standard legal textbooks. Success depends on experience and tactics:
- How do you get an ex-parte injunction against look-alikes in a matter of hours?
- How do you communicate with judges and bailiffs outside the usual channels so that they are prepared and can react promptly?
- How do you close a stand quickly?
- Is it useful to involve customs, the police and organisers of international fairs?
Dr. Sascha Abrar will be moderating the table topic "How to Fight Counterfeits and Copycats at Trade Fairs" at the INTA 2025 Annual Meeting in San Diego in May 2025. Looking forward to meeting the Special Legal Forces from around the world to discuss tactics and legal aspects in the fight against counterfeiting and copycats.
When a monster is not a monster - no genuine use of a trademark in a different form than registered
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- Written by: Oliver Löffel
Anyone who registers a trademark shall use the trademark sooner or later in accordance with use-requirements. If a trademark is not used, or if genuine use of a trademark cannot be proven in case of a conflict, the trademark is worthless from a legal point of view, and also the commercial value will be impaired. In the worst-case, the trademark will be cancelled.